Thanks Mick.
I did get up and start cleaning up the loft so I can do bikes in it. It was a bit of a building site. I mostly just sat there though staring into space.
I want to finish my STA now. So a big push needed. Tyres need changing. I have to replace the Pitbull 1 (broken) with the completely sorted Pitbull 2. I took that up. I also bought grips for it too.

Problem is the bars. I painted them with cheap acrylic and it has gone home. It was also a bit of a rush job. The good thing is I have plenty of black base coat left, and, you can order a 250ml 2k clear for around 17 quid. So yeah. Hoping we get some warmer days. I only need like, one.
But yeah mostly I have just been sat around doing very little. Housework mainly so I don't drown in rubbish.