New School BMX 2004 - Now => New School Park, Street & Dirt => Topic started by: pickle on November 19, 2010, 08:31 AM

Title: on one
Post by: pickle on November 19, 2010, 08:31 AM
Having been riding my On One MTB for a good few years now i've always loved there products, always a little bit diferent and never to expensive.  they tried entering the BMX world a few years ago and it was a complete mess!  but looking at their website it looks like they're taking it a bit more serious this time round  :daumenhoch:

i love my Proper but i might be tempted for one of these to go along side my inbred  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 19, 2010, 01:18 PM
yeah.......been chatting to the guy at On One and they hope to have the pre production one built up for testing by the start of December and if all the testing goes okay they hope to have them ready by spring next year.   should retail at around the £170 - £200 mark.

Title: Re: on one
Post by: daveb1004 on November 19, 2010, 10:44 PM
I've got an old Planet X kicking about in the shed which was pretty burly, UK made stuff never seems to do that well though  :'(
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Andy on November 20, 2010, 12:15 AM
Quote from there site

Secret but extremely good signature geometry

lol @ on one, may as well do one
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 20, 2010, 06:35 AM
it'll be standard geometry with a 20.5 tt to begin with.........i think it looks nice, they said to me that they wanted a frame with simple lines in full cromo. They gut who's designing the frame has ridden for Proper and been riding BMX for over 13 years, so i'm sure it's not going to be a complete POS.  i'm deffo going to have a good look at one when they're ready.
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Andy on November 20, 2010, 06:23 PM
I hear what your saying but there is no such thing as standard geo, I just thought it strange that they didnt put the most important info on the spec
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 20, 2010, 08:22 PM
Give them a chance yeah?  ???
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Andy on November 21, 2010, 01:11 AM
no probs in giving them a chance but like I said I cant understand why they wont release the geo of the frame, they release everything else so why not what matters.

They know the geo so its stupid or pretty suss not to put it out there.

At the end of the day On One is a mtb company. It matters not who they get on board to ride for them maybe they should do a little homework first an realise the market they are trying to cash in on yeah?
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 21, 2010, 07:32 AM
Yes they are a mtb company, which is why they've got Ben on board who has over 13 years of riding under his belt and ridden for top brands.  So I'm sure he knows what he's doing. 
Title: Re: on one
Post by: HEYWOOD BMX on November 22, 2010, 01:05 AM
 :) Sure they deserve a chance & I know several MTBers who have had no probs with On-One frames.Time will tell if they invest more into BMX.Their frame looks to be sensibly priced but it is already overcrowded market. :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dr.Robotnik on November 22, 2010, 03:37 PM
The reasons they won't be taken seriously are what they write/how they present themselves;

BMX superstar Ben Manuel and his forthcoming On-One 20" wheeler...

The first ever kids (soz) frame made by On-One is a real good looking design

One of the more technically accomplished riders amongst us he is the kind of skillful smug git

It all just sounds awful, plus the use of;

Taperlock dropouts for 14mm axles

Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 22, 2010, 03:44 PM
why bother ffs!   ::)
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 22, 2010, 07:41 PM
Might be worth waiting for the cheaper, better, lighter Ragley thats fookin bound to follow  ;D
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 22, 2010, 07:52 PM
Ragley cheaper?!?  ??? 
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 22, 2010, 07:59 PM
Yeah, isnt that what Ragley do, like for like purpose wise but cheaper, I.E  456 frame vs Blue pig frame
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 22, 2010, 08:23 PM
But the 456 is only 160 surely the pig isn't cheaper than that??? Have to say I love my 456 just rides so well.  :smitten:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 22, 2010, 08:41 PM
The RRP of the 456 is £299 though isnt it? and I am sure I have seen blu pigs on filthbay for 130 delivered.

Could be wrong though :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 28, 2010, 11:39 PM

Id like to introduce myself, im ben manuel. the guy who works for on-one and designed the bmx frame. id like to start by saying that i usually dont indulge in forum chat but i felt i had to come defend myself, just to give you guys alittle background info on me so you understand where im coming from and the reason for making this frame.

ive ridden bmx at a professional level for over ten years and owned my own skate park for 14 years so im qualified to say im 100% bmx, ive seen all the fads come and go and some old ones come back around again, ive travelled the world met some amazing people and been fortunate to ride for some great companies, without blowing my own trumpet (im nearly 30) and by no means a spring chicken ive ridden for free agent,carlo @ proper bikes,Haro,etnies,odyssey,eastpak,zeal distribution to name a few.

i worked for Halfords for over 7 years within there cycle dept and eventually being a manager,i got offered the position as on-ones customer service manager nothing to do with bmx and being closer to home and better money i took the position around 6 months ago, now being a yorkshire man and wearing my heart on my sleeve i honestly believe the company i work for make good honest products at great prices.

considering we have great relations with overseas suppliers and tried and tested steel frames a asked if it would be ok to design a bmx frame and follow the principles we follow of good product at a good price, i got a yes! so i designed the frame so kids getting into bmx could have a simple less is more frame without having to spend over £300 for one made in the same country.

ive no intention of releasing this frame into an already saturated market to "cash in" many other mtb companies have both bmx and mtb frames, (gt,haro,giant,specialized) so why is this a problem? its being made to offer kids coming into bmx an affordable,quality frame.

the frame is a basic geometry like 90% of all other frames out there, we havent held this back its just that we havent released it yet, the frame only arrived on friday.
its 20.5tt,13.25-13.75 chain stay to 14.25-14.75 seat stay with internal HS and mid size BB, removable gyro tabs and built in pivitol seat clamp with gusseted downtube. im testing the taperlock dropouts to see if its easier than using chain tugs, this is the first sample so it might not have this so i cant see how this is horrendous?

i didnt write the blurb on the website so i cant comment on that but dont read too much into it,the IT guys probably had a deadline to work to and didnt know the geometry so came up with something else.

if ANY of you guys that talk the talk about being into bmx i offer you the free chance to come ride MY bike test it as much as you like at my park and then say i shouldnt have bothered or are you going to stay behind your computers and reminisce about the good ol days jumping your se race bike at your track with your mates. this bike is being designed and built for the right reasons, for the kids of today to be able to afford a good frame from a british company to encourage them to get into something that is fun and hopefully will give them as much opportunity as it has me.

Title: Re: on one
Post by: chedbmx on November 29, 2010, 12:09 AM
Hello, im a young rider and i think the frame is a awsome idea you can not buy a good frame for a decent price anymore, there all 300-400 quid for a good frame. Not only is the frame a very good price it also rides AWSOME i went to ben manuals skatepark today and had a good 20 min ride on it, couldnt ask for more it felt solid, really responsive and was light. Felt alot better to ride than my frame which cost me over 300 quid. I can see this frame really taking off and becoming a very popular product in the market. I would recomend it to any bmx rider.
Cant wait for them to come on sale
Title: Re: on one
Post by: liamhutchbmx on November 29, 2010, 01:53 AM
I may look like i am coming to Ben's rescue here as a new member to the forum and partly i am, but only because i feel his new frame is as good as he beieves it is.

To introduce myself, i have been riding at his skatepark as my local for 10 years and competed in most of the UK and european competitions (for the people who falsely believe riding ability determines the credibility of ones opinions). I have been riding the same frame for 5 years as i am the kinda guy who thinks 'if it aint broke don't fix it' and won't buy into all the new fads.

 Having said that, i took Ben up on his offer earlier and had a good ride on his bike. It felt solid, responsive and did everything i wanted it too (which says a lot compared to some of the other new frames i have ridden owned by other locals) and is a frame i would purchase when mine finally breaks. The price will be an especially attractive factor for buying this frame when one of similar spec would cost much more. Personally i'm not too keen on the bright green paint, but ben is a bit gay like that ;) But seriously, the frame looks really clean and tidy and rode better than his previous standard 250L IMO.

Title: Re: on one
Post by: gobshite on November 29, 2010, 09:55 AM
i am coming to Ben's rescue here as a new member to the forum and partly i am, but only because i feel his new knob is as good as he beieves it is.

To introduce myself, i have been riding his knob as my local for 10 years and competed in most of the UK and european competitions (for the people who falsely believe riding ability determines the credibility of ones opinions). I have been riding the same knob for 5 years as i am the kinda guy who thinks 'if a knob aint broke don't fix it' and won't buy into all the new fads.

 Having said that, i took Ben up on his knob offer earlier and had a good ride on his knob. It felt solid, responsive and did everything i wanted it too (which says a lot compared to some of the other new knobs i have ridden owned by other locals) and is a knob i would purchase when my knob finally breaks. The price will be an especially attractive factor for buying this knob when one of similar spec would cost much more. Personally i'm not too keen on the bright green knob, but ben is a bit gay like that ;) But seriously, the knob looks really clean and tidy and rode better than his previous standard knob IMO.


sorry, i couldnt resist....

frame looks fine tbh, geometry is geometry, you either like it or you dont, its a bmx bike at the end of the day,

if this was some big-shite company i'd just slate it for the fun of it, but on-one actually seems a decent company, i've always liked their approach to mtb frames, the "gimp" frame esp,
nothing wrong with them giving bmx a try, the no frills frame approach is the right way to go, building some exotic super lightweight concept frame would be an excercise in futility,

many of us on here remember the "ukbikeco" debacle and are a more than a little wary of future disappointment,
i told "dibly" myself ,in no uncertain terms,not to build that fuqking silly light frame,

if the on-one frame is strong and durable then good luck to them,
the uk is way under represented in the bmx world tbh,

maybe referring to riders as "the kids" could be percieved as a bit fooking patronizing though.....
Title: Re: on one
Post by: gobshite on November 29, 2010, 10:00 AM
and where is the price and link to the frame?

i'll have a butchers of it..

looked on the on-one site and there seems to be no mention,

is this all an xmas wind up? ???
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 29, 2010, 10:04 AM
Fair play to Ben for coming on here and having his say........like i have said before, i've ridden a On-one inbred 456 for a good few years now and it's the nuts!!  if i lived anywhere near your park Ben i'd be there like a shot to have a ride on your bike!  likeive said to you via email and facebook....i think it looks the nuts!  and if its anything lik the MTB frames it'll be superb!

yes i'm a little biased i guess but give it a chance hey before poeple fook it off.

good to see you on here though Ben  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 29, 2010, 10:05 AM
and where is the price and link to the frame?

i'll have a butchers of it..

looked on the on-one site and there seems to be no mention,

is this all an xmas wind up? ???

Joe.......at least look at the first page with the link  ::)
Title: Re: on one
Post by: gobshite on November 29, 2010, 10:15 AM
and where is the price and link to the frame?

i'll have a butchers of it..

looked on the on-one site and there seems to be no mention,

is this all an xmas wind up? ???

Joe.......at least look at the first page with the link  ::)

i've been up all night drinking meths and smoking crack,me and my clicky finger eh? ::)

looks good,simple enough, clean, price makes it very good if its durable,

whats the weight?
are the head tube and bb post weld machined?
will the production frames come without overspray?

any pics of the welds?

looks good,
best of luck with it. :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 10:43 AM

The headtube and bb are machined, not sure on the welding of the frame weather its hand or machine but will ask, the frame i got had not oversparay on either the HS or BB,

ill take some pics of the weld quality so you can have a better look at it,like a div i was too excited to build it and didnt weight it, i was riding a standard 250L and this felt slightly lighter, also the blow holes on the tubing is machined out as much is possible so still to allow maximum strength but save weight.

Title: Re: on one
Post by: kev-s on November 29, 2010, 12:29 PM
just had a look at the frame and it dosent look bad :daumenhoch: just a std looking bmx frame (as most are these days)

it wont be tempting me off my s&m (only standard & gt with the fueler have managed that back in 1994!)

you cant compare haro & gt to on one when it comes to companies who make bmx and mtb

haro and gt made bmx first then branched into mtb

on one made mtb and have branched into bmx so it is always going to look like they are cashing in esp to the older generation of riders

Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 01:02 PM
I totally agree but none the less these companies make both and im sure most mtb riders wont say GT are cashing in on their market.

i could understand if this frame was being made at an expensive price point but its not, and the reasons for making it are genuine, sure my boss wants to make money as every business does but its aimed for riders who cant afford a frame of similar design and quality but much cheaper.

surly thats not a bad thing?
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 29, 2010, 01:12 PM

I ride an Octane one jump frame, its a third of the cost of a Blk Mkt MOB frame and half most of that sectors top sellers, it weighs less than the majority of them and rides super nice and up to now is bombproof. As you say, this is no bad thing so fair play :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: gobshite on November 29, 2010, 01:16 PM
theres so little money in bmx compared to mtb and road bikes so the old adage of "cashing in" doesnt really make sense here,

as most on here know, i'm the first to rip the arse out of the big corporates for muscleing in on bmx but i'm not going to be so trigger happy with this one,

on-one hand ;) heres a uk frame company taking an interest in making a decent bmx frame at an accesible and very realistic price point,

on-the other :-\ if theres any money to be made from bmx i'd ideally like it to stay in bmx,

but tbh, mike has a similar approach with dialled making mtb frames and both his frame types are very good and well respected,
if on-one are going to make a simple, durable and well designed bmx frame at less than £200 then fooking good for them,

over and above though, i'd rather ANY money at went to a small uk company than the shite-arse corporates like haro and gt, that be honest, have NOTHING positive to do with bmx these days.
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 02:46 PM


considering ive been giving the youth of yorkshire somewhere to ride and skate for over 13years ive only pushed for this frame of an extension of giving something back to the kids/youth that support what is the bmx market.

im so passionate about making this frame as good as it can be because it has my name on it and i dont want it dragging through the mud.

like i said its a less is more approach, at least im not making t-shirts and stickers and saying ive another new bmx company/brand!

i really appreciate all your feedback and comments

Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 29, 2010, 03:01 PM
Ben, in terms of bikes is your park bmx only or do you allow 24/26" wheels?
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 03:14 PM
everything is allowed wheel size within reason, no racers! :)
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 29, 2010, 03:51 PM

Title: Re: on one
Post by: brummie on November 29, 2010, 04:03 PM
 8) sounds good. welcome to rad ben  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 05:11 PM
thanks guys
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Bob_Acid on November 29, 2010, 05:24 PM
Sorry but i'd rather...

stay behind your computers and reminisce about the good ol days jumping your se race bike at your track with your mates


Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dingobmxer on November 29, 2010, 05:46 PM
you were doing so well until this line

"reminisce about the good ol days jumping your se race bike at your track with your mates "

I still jump my SE race bike (pre fuji of course) at the track with my mates thanks  :daumenhoch:

I would say 90% of people on here dont give a toss about new school AND if I were looking at buying british I hear Brian Curtis has picked up his torch for two years so know where my money would go

Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 29, 2010, 05:50 PM
That line wasent aimed at everyone i was more venting at how people can make judgements on a frame that they have no understanding of,

dont get me wrong the main reason i ride my bmx is because of my friends and i love that aspect! pack the car few beers and ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: on one
Post by: motomagII on November 29, 2010, 06:20 PM
mm road trip by old schoolers is needed here me thinks to indoor park in winter on lock in saturday ???????????????????

we can all have ride of your frame too then
Title: Re: on one
Post by: kev-s on November 29, 2010, 10:03 PM
the way i see it is the majority of bmx'ers (old and midschoolers) dont like mtb companies getting involved in bmx, those of us who rode in the late 80's and early 90's remember when alot of companies no longer bothered with bmx as the  sport was deemed "dead" and there was no more money in it for them

when the next time the sport is classed as "dead" we shall see which companies run as soon as the  :10_2_12:

i bet all the mtb companies will stop making bmx's and concentrate on their mtb sales (same goes for a certian mainstream shoe company)

not having a go just stating facts that make us older rider very weary of people from outside the sport coming in and getting someone to be the face of their company for bmx (the whole dibbly thing just recently)
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Andy on November 29, 2010, 11:03 PM
Never been able to work out multi quote but whoever said you can't buy a decent frame for less than £300-£400

Er, yes you can, just do some research, Amity have the new Cam Hardy sig frame coming out at £205, The new Fit Wi-Fi is £220. I could go on and on.

Anyway good luck with your frame but I reckon you should re think some stuff, glow in the dark paint?? and also your built in chain tug things, I dont know anybody who runs chain tensions anymore, I know Sunday have them in their frames but I cant see the point.

Lastly I would re write the whole internet page as it sounds read condecending, I showed some as you would say "kids" at the shop and they were like wtf?? And other comments like with glow in the dark paint maybe you should call it the Ben 10mx then you will really get the "kids"

Best of luck with it all and lets see this time next year how its going
Title: Re: on one
Post by: billstup on November 30, 2010, 12:28 AM
Good luck Ben, don`t take any comments to heart, just do your best and that should be enough  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 30, 2010, 11:06 AM
thanks for the comments if some are alittle negative ish, i was stating that there isnt many frames on the market aimed at a cheaper price point, what you have to remember that this frame is a sample, the paint is,the taperlock all just testing nothing finalised.

if you guys want to get together and have a road trip over and stay on a saturday night then your welcome to do so, test the frame get some beers and have a good time!

bmx wont fall on its arse again its too big now,the potential for the olympics etc it will never struggle like it did, it may decline but its too big a business especially in the US.

agreed the comments on the web can seem condescending but it was very tongue in cheek and aimed at giving me a dig over riding a 20incher! 

cant please all the people all the time!
Title: Re: on one
Post by: pickle on November 30, 2010, 01:26 PM
A road trip lock in.sounds awesome Ben! Can you email or PM me your details and we can sort something out  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on November 30, 2010, 02:12 PM
give me a call to discuss, 07969906826  ben
Title: Re: on one
Post by: motomagII on November 30, 2010, 05:48 PM
yeah january 2011 lock in sounds ace . :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dingobmxer on November 30, 2010, 07:05 PM
where is your park Ben? how big ect.....

Rad do up North would be cool

Title: Re: on one
Post by: motomagII on November 30, 2010, 08:28 PM
im sure its sort of out of wakefield past ackworth etc cant remember village name at moment .hemsworth?????emsall ?? summat like that
Title: Re: on one
Post by: bof on November 30, 2010, 09:04 PM
Not a valid vimeo URL
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on November 30, 2010, 09:39 PM
Upton Greg
Title: Re: on one
Post by: hunterdubber on November 30, 2010, 09:58 PM
Upton Greg

Billy Joel ?  ???
Title: Re: on one
Post by: ron burgundy on November 30, 2010, 10:33 PM
Upton Greg

Billy Joel ?  ???

Title: Re: on one
Post by: Ged on November 30, 2010, 11:53 PM
hey guys just to put my 2 pence in on this topic

having known ben for a while i do believe he is doing it for all the right reasons this guy lives and breaths bmx like most of us who frequent

this web site and having been to upton a few times and seeing him shred the place to bits i am sure it will be tested to destruction

i really think that we need people like ben in bmx he is a proper genuine person and a really nice guy

having seen the bike in the flesh and rode it ,it is a really nice piece of kit and defo worth the money

i say good luck to the guy ,i wouldnt think twice about buying one to be honest

also the best thing about that color is that it glows in the dark ...love that


ps here is a pic of ben on said bike ..shredder
casual 360 over the volcano


Title: Re: on one
Post by: 20to26 on December 04, 2010, 02:58 PM
cool - I like On-One - like you Pickle I've enjoyed some cheap steel over the years and I've still got a couple of those mechanic shirts hanging in my closet for tinkering on the various steeds...

The fact that Ben is a BMXer making the most of an opportunity to make a reasonably priced BMX frame is something most of us would do given the chance - heck even for kicks a minimum of (probably) 50 frames isn't a train smash for someone like On-One who know their game at this end of the market. That colour and that price would more than likely put one under my son...I'm loving that stamped logo in the headtube myself. Hope it sells well Ben, then you can make a neon pink one too!

Title: Re: on one
Post by: ben manuel on December 04, 2010, 09:31 PM
im looking at doing it with white graphics, then doing an off white glow in the dark with red decals then possibly loadsa neon options!

retro colours ftw no more black,dark brown or dark reds! colour is the answer!

cheers for all the support guys, if we do 50-100 frames first see how the market goes and keep it simple!
Title: Re: on one
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 05, 2010, 04:39 PM
Ben, I don't expect you to remember me, but we met a few times years ago down at southsea. Did you used to ride for Peter?

Anyhow, best of luck with this. It sounds to me like you're doing it right. Keep it simple, keep it strong. Sensible options, but not too much choice. Could be a winner if it rides right.

Title: Re: on one
Post by: Philbert on December 05, 2010, 06:59 PM
i think it looks nice, not something i'm going to go out and buy, but thats because if you chopped me in half there would be a cross section of the standard logo like a stick of rock!

good luck with it ben, from what i remember of you, i'm sure you've got the right approach, anyone who could abubaca the original vert wall at epic gets my vote!

the synicism on here comes from idiots over the last few seasons that come on here talking the talk about their new company and what comes apparent after a short time is they are full of shite, company falls flat on its face, and has even embarrassed a few members on here in the process. I'm liking whats on offer though from 'on one' so fair play!

a word of advice though, stay away from transparent steel and secret samarai technology! (a joke for some old radders)

Title: Re: on one
Post by: Dark Diggler on December 05, 2010, 07:23 PM
i think it looks nice, not something i'm going to go out and buy, but thats because if you chopped me in half there would be a cross section of unknown bike co. logo like a stick of rock!

Title: Re: on one
Post by: bof on December 05, 2010, 07:25 PM
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: on one
Post by: Philbert on December 05, 2010, 07:51 PM

i think it looks nice, not something i'm going to go out and buy, but thats because if you chopped me in half there would be a cross section of unknown bike co. logo like a stick of rock!


i took up that deal to fulfill a childhood dream of having a bike sponsor, albeit a shite one!

i got that piece of shite for free thank you very much!

i agreed to test pilot said piece of shite in good faith!

what they didn't realise was my knowledge of metal, heat treating techniques, and frame design!

i got off said piece of shite after realising it was a piece of shite!

i was having a bad spell in my riding and even tried an s&m before anyone picks up on that too!

standard, always have been, always will be! tats since 2000! bumming rick since 96
Title: Re: on one
Post by: harris on December 05, 2010, 07:57 PM
how did i miss this thread   :uglystupid2:
hope things go well,
forums can be like in a bears pit,seen em come seen em go,got torn to shreds in a heart beat.
but i know bens got alot of insight and knows a far bit ,i do really hope it comes of..
i am building a new ride and was going to get yet another set of wheel ,but dang the prices are subliminal
if it works then for what its worth ,which isnt much then you got my best wishes
if it doesnt then bail it asap or itll bust your gutt and be a big hill to climb

H   :daumenhoch:
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