BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: stuntmaster on March 15, 2017, 06:48 AM

Title: dead in here these days
Post by: stuntmaster on March 15, 2017, 06:48 AM
Not really been on rad for a while and just recent i noticed that its dead on here now , The for sale section is the only bit busy ,is that what its come to now just full of people selling stuff , i know we have facebook but is the scene still busy or is it full of dealers now ,shame really as used to see new builds all the time or have we all priced our selfs out of the market .thoughts ?
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: In2bmx on March 15, 2017, 08:42 AM
It is a little quiet at times ...  But thankfully it's all the true BMX enthusiasts left  :4_17_5:

Not like all those fly by night wannabe's . Who couldn't build a bike if they tried  ;D  Just CLOWN them !!!  And i hate clown bikes !

And at least in here there is no RAFFLES  :) like on FB .. Endless fooking raffles trying to get more money out of people ..  Like that cuynt from the wales , world shite group .. 

I've left 90% of the BMX groups on FB ..  And it feels good ..  :daumenhoch:

 KEEP IT RAD..  :4_17_5:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: pickle on March 15, 2017, 09:06 AM
yep as Carl has said, twonks on those groups completely ruined the scene for me.

I pop in here all the time as 'It's RAD' but BMX has pretty much died for me now
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: oldschoolace on March 15, 2017, 09:16 AM
Think the whole scene is cooling off. Just seen that Greg hill is shutting up shop and spoke to loads of bike shop owners recently and most said they don't stock box anymore and only order in when a customer asks. Facebook will more than likely be busy as idiots like to hear their own voice but I think bmx in general is on the downturn.... For now anyway. It'll be back  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 15, 2017, 09:47 AM
Still on here pretty much every day ;)
Not got any builds planned but happy enough with what I've got - always nice to see what other people are putting together though and hoping to get pedaling a bit more this year  :daumenhoch:

Easy solution to a quiet forum - less lurking/more posting ;) but good to see sales going on here
Leaving Facebook has been the best thing I've done in a while  ;D
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rooski on March 15, 2017, 10:25 AM
Still come on here every day, the proper home of o/s bmx :daumenhoch:

Stuff on fb pages disappears after a few days, and is pretty much gone forever, useless for reference.

Got 5 bikes on the go now, so plenty to do.

Think I will be around a good while yet..........................
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on March 15, 2017, 10:51 AM
It's a shame it's so quiet, but it's just a sign o the times with the likes of facebook being so accessible with just one click or flick of the finger. This encourages laziness (either consciously or subconsciously). The act of actually logging into a forum, taking the time and making the effort to browse gets less and less over time as we increasingly want everything instantly - i'm generalising on this point, obviously. The same has happened on bmx museum, which is nowhere near as busy as it used to be. I agree with the points made about things going missing on facebook - it's all about the now, with no substance, longevity or regard for preserving/contributing things for others to refer back to and use (tech and resto questions/issues/techniques for example). Ok, so it's quiet, but  :radbmxsmilie: is the number one stop for me regarding all things BMX. Most of the facebook stuff to me seems like a dick/wallet measuring exercise.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Mikku on March 15, 2017, 02:30 PM
I'm another daily visitor on here! :daumenhoch: I'm not on Faceache and can't speak for others but having just bought my first new school bike, my interest in BMX is increasing rather than decreasing! :slayer:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Thphewphth on March 15, 2017, 02:47 PM
Also a daily (near hourly) visitor here. Still in the process of learning as much as possible though so more reading than posting right now
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: stuntmaster on March 15, 2017, 03:23 PM
glad to hear there is someone out there as thought i was the only one left , I`m in a better position now so might actual show some of my old crap ive hoarded for years soon as once the loft is boarded i`m going show some pics of some right old crap lol
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: CustardLips on March 15, 2017, 03:51 PM
Still here.  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: WINI on March 15, 2017, 03:58 PM
Still the best source of OS BMX info this side of the planet.

The percentage of d1cks is much less than the FB groups too, which is nice.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: pickle on March 15, 2017, 04:53 PM
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: SiGhTeK on March 15, 2017, 04:55 PM
Im still relatively new to the site but here daily/hourly i suppose im guilty of not posting as much as i would like .... been a bit of a rough 18mnths ....funny now i think about it just after i got into the OS BMX scene things went sour with the missus.... i moved into my mothers couldnt stand that for too long but seemed to amass a few more Tange builds...My problem now however is ive moved into a shed on a farm (its a nicely converted building but its a shed) it is small and cheap...but what do i do with my builds and where do i work on them......this is an issue im working on so i can actually get them together and contribute a little with my build threads as opposed to framesets sitting in my mums loft and parts stashed here there and everywhere..to the point i have actually lost track of what parts i have and where the builds have got too...which again irritates me as im sure i miss out on parts i could really do with

I am grateful for those that contribute.... i dont do mug book and always find myself reading just about everything posted .....

Keep Posting and be Rad
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Avro on March 15, 2017, 05:52 PM
Did you see the Feburary BOTM thread?

I admit, then when I post a new build thread and progress it, it feels a little lonely at times, like talking to oneself. However, there are behind the scenes macinations, or better said contacts; I have nearly as many private messages as do actual posts. I wish those private messages were reflected in posts but none-the less. I am sure he won't mind me saying but I have had several 'chats' with SiGhtek over a few months, regarding bikes mostly, but sometimes hinting at 'real life'....and Si you STILL owe me a picture or two of the Shimano. Forums work in many ways.

I have already met a number of people on this site, with similar interests, and yet I am a relative newbie. You get what you put in. If you have to ask 'why is it so quiet' you must first ask yourself why and look at yourself.

The interest, hobby, is bound to cool. If it is old school then we are at, or fast approaching, 50. For me, I 'rediscovered bmx' at 47 so I hope I have a few years left. Others may be from the scene back in the day, I do not know. I admit that I dislike the 'not feeling it' or 'this site is dead' threads. easy to be a 'nay sayer' much harder to actively participate, be it even from one step removed. By that I mean that there have been a few 'not feeling it' threads lately; why not say 'taking a step back lads, still love to see your new builds'.

Yes this forum is quiet. No, I do not go on Facebook, but Yes I will continue posting. Workload has prevented me from experimenting with anodising but it is a thread I will progress, warts and all.

Peace out and sorry for the ramble.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Andyboy77 on March 15, 2017, 06:54 PM
I can't really say much about the scene, as  :radbmxsmilie: is my only real access to the scene I've got. Although it is only an online thing for me, because there isn't, and never really was a scene in the area where I live (Germany).
I don't see this lovely place dying as the real enthusiasts are on here about everyday.

Maybe some or a lot of members didn't really loose the love for the hobby, but just don't have anymore space for another bike and others just aren't willing to pay the prices that are asked since a while. This may give the impression, this site or the scene is going slower than it used to. But I see an expectable progression with a hobby like ours. I'm sure its like that anywhere else too, as soon as it gets around that there's cash to make it brings also those people in the game that are only in for money and not for the love of it.
I'm also sure that these peeps will run out of customers/buyers sooner or later, which will bring the whole bussines side to a more acceptable level again. At least I hope so.

Regarding facebook, I gave it a try recently and joined some BMX-groups there in order to see what it's like. Selling and buying fast? Yes! Real expertise? Must be, 'cause some radsters are over there occasionaly too.  :D But I don't see that facebook will ever be able to compete with this forum in particular. ...and there are only two things over there that are of interest for me regarding BMX - a cool freestyle group and the rad-fb-site.

To be honest, I don't like the fact either, that people who are mainly fb-users and are just about to sell stuff (especially those who are only in this hobby for the cash) only use this/our place to get rid of their sh.. . But I think there's no way to aviod these issues - if they are any.?.

Last but not least, my hope is that more people who visit our site will notice how cool this site is, calm down, leave the fast lane for while, have a seat in front of a computer (like I do) a laptop or what ever device, and finally notice why most of us call  :radbmxsmilie: the mother of all BMX-sites on our lovely blue planet.   
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on March 15, 2017, 07:56 PM
^ Great words Andy. Very pleased to have you here on  :radbmxsmilie:   :)
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Andyboy77 on March 15, 2017, 08:00 PM
^ Great words Andy. Very pleased to have you here on  :radbmxsmilie:   :)

Thanks Andy! Very much appreciate that!  fistblump

Really, your words were inspirational.  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 15, 2017, 08:03 PM
Seeing that pic of Brian Curtis on a track in his 70s makes me think there'll be a few more years yet
It's not like I'm suddenly going to outgrow my bikes now  :teef:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: chrisv39 on March 16, 2017, 06:13 PM
As a user of Rad and Facebook this place is without doubt the best place if your genuinely interested in BMX. While I've spoke to plenty of good lads on Facebook and bought plenty of stuff on there without any problems it doesn't come close to Rad with its pages and pages of resources. I can still trawl through the archives on here and find threads I haven't come across before.
As I've only built one bike despite rediscovering BMX back in 2008 I personally don't contribute a great deal to the site with posts, but do come on here every day and try to contribute where I can. As someone else pointed out on another thread ( I can't remember who it was) I personally think this place has improved since the Facebook boom.
I'd rather have quality than quantity and that's what you get with  :radbmxsmilie:.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: BMX1973 on March 16, 2017, 08:58 PM
I don't do Facebook or anything like that. The only other forum I visit now and again is BMXmuseum.

So this site is really my only insight to the Old School.

I still enjoy the site  :)
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: QUADROPHENIA on March 17, 2017, 05:33 AM
Still the best source of OS BMX info this side of the planet.

The percentage of d1cks is much less than the FB groups too, which is nice.

But we still got pickle
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: In2bmx on March 17, 2017, 08:04 AM

I'd rather have quality than quantity and that's what you get with  :radbmxsmilie:.
Exactly !  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: MartyC on March 17, 2017, 10:19 AM
Always has been my favourite old school site, in here most days and don't really like the bmx pages on Farcebook, too many Richard  Noggins for my liking!
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rooski on March 17, 2017, 10:47 AM
No posts = No new content, post stuff up Brothers!

Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 17, 2017, 11:06 AM
bung it in Tech/Resto  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: WINI on March 17, 2017, 11:13 AM
Keep it OG!

Or sell it to me  :D
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: oldschoolace on March 17, 2017, 12:16 PM
Think if i had posted the book idea 3-4 years ago i would have been inundated with people wanting to be part of it. As it is i have had 2 people submit something which speaks volumes about the scene at the mo, irrespective of faceache.
Hopefully a bit of summer sun may revitalise things as it usually does.  :daumenhoch:

Oh and you REALLY do need to keep that Haro OG. Plenty of bastardised ones out there if you want a shiney one  ;)
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 17, 2017, 01:43 PM
People have moved on and in Rads case there are a few reasons you can't just blame Facebook.

Most forums are dead these days the platform is old, simple as that, you need to have  a platform that can be accessed from a smartphone most people very few people use pc's anymore, tapatalk is only a half baked solution in my opinion and it hasn't worked for RAD, nor has the RAD FB page, it was too late to the game and there was too much opposition from within.

After Stiddgate there was a queue of people who were going to be using the forum more often and doing this, that and the other to improve the forum, most of them lasted a couple of weeks before they fooked off, but anyway things got worse instead of better, it's only lately uploading pics has been sorted.

There are now more moderators than active members, every year at MK there are another few ordained to the upper echelons, why does a forum that's so quiet need so many moderators?  Some of them don't even appear to contribute to the forum anymore? :-\

There are still loads of bikes being built but very few are shown on here, the scene has slowed a bit but it's not dead.

There are a lot of knobs on Facebook but then there used to be a lot in here too, some of us are still here    :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 17, 2017, 02:47 PM
There are now more moderators than active members,

slight exaggeration there Paul, but feel free to advise on how many there should be/who should go ::)
don't forget the expression 'many hands make light work' and that everyone that does help out gives their time freely to do so. It's not a job after all, we're not using the rad pot to pay for trips to Thailand and most of us have pretty busy lives/jobs etc

most forums might be dead, but this isn't most forums and without tapatalk you can still get on here (well I manage it on my trusty old iphone or the ipad without any bother). Just in the last few weeks we've got video embedding, better photo uploading capability and a better deal with the hosts to allow more photos, avoiding having to use tapatalk

one things for sure, regardless of the improvements we make here there will always be someone that finds something to complain about.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 17, 2017, 02:58 PM
There are now more moderators than active members,

slight exaggeration there Paul, but feel free to advise on how many there should be/who should go ::)
don't forget the expression 'many hands make light work' and that everyone that does help out gives their time freely to do so. It's not a job after all, we're not using the rad pot to pay for trips to Thailand and most of us have pretty busy lives/jobs etc

most forums might be dead, but this isn't most forums and without tapatalk you can still get on here (well I manage it on my trusty old iphone or the ipad without any bother). Just in the last few weeks we've got video embedding, better photo uploading capability and a better deal with the hosts to allow more photos, avoiding having to use tapatalk

one things for sure, regardless of the improvements we make here there will always be someone that finds something to complain about.

"slight exaggeration" Is it? I don't think so, some of the moderators are hardly active at all, yourself and a couple of others are the exception and you well know that John, look through recent activity of the others and that should give you a good idea as to who is surplus.

Anyway are you honestly saying the forum isn't dead then?

If the improvements attract new members and old ones return, mores the better, time will tell.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 17, 2017, 03:44 PM
18 mods/owners etc in total (Dannywhac no longer has mod privileges and 'Admin' is just an account, not a person)

Right now there are 28 users logged in (in a weekday afternoon) and over 250 guests browsing
Now maths might not be my strongest subject, but I'm pretty sure that's more than 18, disregarding the odd search bot lurking, that's not a bad number of people using the site overall either

So yeah, a slight exaggeration I think is a generous response to your remark. Certainly more polite than saying 'you're talking bollux' even though that would not have been factually incorrect either

As for new members, I just checked the admin logs and 37 new members have been approved and could be posting any minute now
let's make them feel welcome eh?
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: BMX1973 on March 17, 2017, 07:33 PM
I will always  :welcome a new member. Hopefully it makes them think the forum is a friendly place.  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Andyboy77 on March 17, 2017, 08:23 PM
I tried hard, but I can't see the downside of having as much mods/owners etc. as we have. Everyone of them has either special skills, knowledge or connections to who or whatever, that our beloved site massivly benefits from. Although beeing or becomming an owner, a moderator or an admin is not like buying a SiteSupporterTag. Everyone I'm sure has something to offer that is good for  :radbmxsmilie:

As Griff mentioned "many hands make light work". Who - other than them - really knows about the amount of work and efforts that go into the forum, to keep it running and constantly improving it.
I mean who am I to criticise that one or maybe some lads of the Rad-Team didn't contribute to the site, and therefore he should not be a moderator anymore. Even these radsters don't have their status because of any nostalgia or because of they earned  their stripes once. As soon as it comes to organizing some event like MK, every hand and skill or whatever is needed in order to make it what it is like. If there would only be one or two or maybe four mods - this site would be just as a mess like most pages, in the blink of an eye.

On the other hand I can't see the advantage of making this site even more - or let me put it this way... "too" convenient to use with all the new media devices like smartphones. Who want's this site to be as fast - or due to that - even as insignificant like (let's face it) all the other sites. Well I don't! ...why am I saying insignificant? ...is a legitimate question. I don't know what is more insignificant than having access 24/7 and approaching this site in a "in passing"-manner. We get everything ToGo out there, do we want a Rad-site to go? A site that is only full of thumps up, lols and people that are in for the party as long as it is for free? ...don't think any serious radster would embrace that.
It is for sure not an easy task to decide how far we open this site for all the new possibilities. If I would have a problem with haveing to make three or four mouse-clicks to upload a picture that I want to share with my mates - I really should think if my life is still going in the right direction.
Is buying or chaseing parts a fast procedure? No. Is a restoration fast procedure? No. Is a bike build up fast? Usually not. Would improving aspects of this site be a fast procedure? Probably not. It takes time. Strange though, all these things need a certain amount of time, but some aren't or seem not to be capable of taking time to upload a picture. I don't get the point?

Blaming this site or members of the team - that some things aren't going in the favour of some is pretty unfair. Because it's us! We are the site, we are  :radbmxsmilie: and without as many helping hands as there are - ...oh dear, I don't even want to think about what it would be like if a person starts moaning about picture uploads.  :teef: 
..maybe we need raffles to attract new and "old" members  :LolLolLolLol: ...sorry for that one, but I couldn't resist.  ;)

Feel the love and keep it rad and give everybody a warm welcome!  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Chez-6 on March 17, 2017, 08:48 PM
Not the site, its great, not the guys n girls all cool but its like any new members to any group it can be hard to feel as though you fit in as most old of the Rad timers have some much history, I came to Rad looking to get to know more about BMX to go with what little I knew 30 years ago.

I was never into BMX as much as most seam to have been on site but I did love :smitten: mine and had a few mongrels that I built up from odds and ends that I was given or bought with my paper round money. Rad had taught me soon much and have always been made to feel welcome  fistblump but compared to most I still know squat so just like to read the posts and learn some more.  Keep it Cool  :coolsmiley: Chez 
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 17, 2017, 08:52 PM
Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Andyboy77 on March 17, 2017, 09:20 PM
Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: kalex on March 18, 2017, 12:53 AM
Screw raffles as my luck is that bad that if I gambled on a two horse race it would some how come third  :D
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 18, 2017, 01:21 AM
18 mods/owners etc in total (Dannywhac no longer has mod privileges and 'Admin' is just an account, not a person)

Right now there are 28 users logged in (in a weekday afternoon) and over 250 guests browsing
Now maths might not be my strongest subject, but I'm pretty sure that's more than 18, disregarding the odd search bot lurking, that's not a bad number of people using the site overall either

So yeah, a slight exaggeration I think is a generous response to your remark. Certainly more polite than saying 'you're talking bollux' even though that would not have been factually incorrect either

As for new members, I just checked the admin logs and 37 new members have been approved and could be posting any minute now
let's make them feel welcome eh?

Come on John, 28 people online of an afternoon is a drop in the ocean compared to what there used to be, on a Friday there'd be twice or three times that many online and there was never as many mods needed then.

That aside I reckon there's about a dozen members who are actively and regularly contributing or am I talking more bollox given that I'm the one saying it.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 18, 2017, 07:02 AM
I'm just saying that 28 is more than 18  :teef:

Harping on about the Halcyon days of Rad and how it was different back then isn't going to achieve anything. Neither will the actions (or inactions) of a few mods, we are all part of the solution as well as the problem
Of course it's not as busy as it used to be, no denying that, but what do you suggest to do? With any hobby things move in cycles,/none of us are getting younger/bubbles burst  (still waiting for the explosion of cheap parts on the market)
On one hand you say that the forum platform generally is dead, but like Andy said I wouldn't want this place to turn into Facebook. It has its good points but just look at the majority of it - not just talking Bmx groups but the amount of narcissistic drivel, shady characters and constant validation-seeking makes me glad I fooked it off. Not having that channel turned on any more as a distraction clearly means I no longer know what I'm missing, but just looking through the  :radbmxsmilie: shaped window now things still look pretty good - I do still hear about some of the FB nonsense thanks to PMs etc and I'm in no rush to go back  :teef:
Look at some of the posts above and you can see that there are recently-joined members who've been made to feel welcome and have contributed some great threads.  :daumenhoch:

Things to be glad about.....
The standard of bike builds is as good as ever
We have a great community here
There have been some nice little forum upgrades to help with pics/videos
We have a shitload of useful archived material to look back on
No ads or spam!

Oh and last but not least, we have several hundred voluntary site supporters and a bunch of very kind sponsors which means that we are able to put on the best annual OSBMX shindig on the planet.

Could it be better? Of course, but some things take time and the 'can't please everyone' rule definitely applies. The feedback section is open though  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: QUADROPHENIA on March 18, 2017, 07:03 AM

As I said its all pickles fault
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 18, 2017, 07:15 AM

As I said its all pickles fault

in a nutshell  ;D
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 18, 2017, 09:53 AM
I'm just saying that 28 is more than 18  :teef:

Harping on about the Halcyon days of Rad and how it was different back then isn't going to achieve anything.

One sentence in response to your ridiculous justification for the number of mods is hardly "harping on"

Another wee dig though.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: MartyC on March 18, 2017, 10:04 AM
I'm just saying that 28 is more than 18  :teef:

Harping on about the Halcyon days of Rad and how it was different back then isn't going to achieve anything.

One sentence in response to your ridiculous justification for the number of mods is hardly "harping on"

Another wee dig though.

Can I ask what you think needs to be done to increase patronage and posting?
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 18, 2017, 10:55 AM
I'm just saying that 28 is more than 18  :teef:

Harping on about the Halcyon days of Rad and how it was different back then isn't going to achieve anything.

One sentence in response to your ridiculous justification for the number of mods is hardly "harping on"

Another wee dig though.

There's also the PM you sent me in the middle of the night ::)
You're entitled to your opinions of course, but then again so am I
If I think someone's said something unfair or harsh I'll call them on it, by the same token if someone's done something I think is good or positive then I'll always try and encourage it.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: stuntmaster on March 18, 2017, 11:42 AM
No moans on my post please .
The only thing i will say is we have way to many sections these days as i never get the chance to look at most of them as  back in the day i dont remember it having this many rooms .i dont know what the post count is for each room but just a suggestion 
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 18, 2017, 12:01 PM
Fair comment, there are a few areas that could be deleted/merged/tidied up a bit
Trying to figure out how to merge whole boards though, still not sure if it's possible but otherwise it's a very long job moving threads one at a time!
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 18, 2017, 12:45 PM
I'm just saying that 28 is more than 18  :teef:

Harping on about the Halcyon days of Rad and how it was different back then isn't going to achieve anything.

One sentence in response to your ridiculous justification for the number of mods is hardly "harping on"

Another wee dig though.

There's also the PM you sent me in the middle of the night ::)
You're entitled to your opinions of course, but then again so am I
If I think someone's said something unfair or harsh I'll call them on it, by the same token if someone's done something I think is good or positive then I'll always try and encourage it.

I don't think my initial comment was unfair or harsh it was maybe a bit close to the knuckle which is why you took exception to it and called me out!

As for my my PM in the "middle of the night" I work a shifts so I operate on a different timezone, I wanted to take the bickering between us off the thread but you it appears you'd prefer it on the thread.

As you've mentioned it here's said PM for all to see sent at 2.27am

Hi John

I was pondering earlier but I'm fairly sure I've been a member of RAD longer than you, in2bmx, ed209, jaymz, the swan guy and benno not that this really means anything other than I've seen where radbmx was and I see where it is now, more importantly I know how it's came to be where it's at.

Like or loathe what I said yesterday I'm certainly not talking bollox and I think you and I both know that, the forums dying on it's arse.

The question is can be resurrected? 

Incidentally I've noticed recently quite a few of the mods make more of a contribution on facebook than they do on the forum, ironic.

Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: CustardLips on March 18, 2017, 01:44 PM

"Incidentally I've noticed recently quite a few of the mods make more of a contribution on facebook than they do on the forum, ironic."

This statement is definitely true... whether it be posting their latest builds or selling stuff !!!
Shame really considering the forum needs people posting more regular. Which gives me the impression they're not arsed about the forum anymore and happy to just leave those of us that are  to it. ???
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Chez-6 on March 18, 2017, 02:09 PM
As a relative newbie compared to most of you guys, I think that there are things that could be done to encourage more people to post and take part is discussions. One of those would be to realise that some people at totaly new to BMX and not BMX Jedi, and as I said earlier in the thread this can be a little intimidating to new comers.

I also think people need to relax about builds being 100% OG as not all have funds that will allow this, and have to make do with re-pop parts, someone recently stated in another thread he felt  that only OG bikes should be in BOTHM and re-pop has not place there which made me feel that my bike would not be worthy of an entry which made me think well why bother  :'(

I do love the site and am not on FB so cant comment on its content and would love to have more time to post but have four children so time is sparse, but am hoping that I will be able to pass on my love of BMX onto them so they can carry on where so many have left off.


Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: griff on March 18, 2017, 02:31 PM
Well Paul,

Since you're so sure that forums in general are doomed and Rad in particular is dying on its arse, it's probably a good thing that we have enough mods to cover FB as well, no?
I can't comment on the state of the group fb page any more, but as a final comment on this I'm just going to repeat what I said the first time around
Saying there are more mods than active users is a slight exaggeration
28 is a bigger number than 18 though

Not sure why you felt it necessary to post your PM but if you want me to comment on that I think it came across a bit condescending, so what if you've been logging on since the dawn of time? You've named a great bunch of lads who have given up their time (& in some cases money) to organise rides, do the admin for BOTM, bring Fiola to the UK, promote ramp nights that encourage older riders to have a go, build bikes for needy kids and clear up crap left behind by people leaving MK
Also a bit ironic talking about how long you've been a member when you were only recently on another thread arguing against the phrase 'time-served'....

I'm sure you'll come up with some sort of reply, feel free but I won't be responding again
Suggest instead you find something a bit more productive/positive to do
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: pickle on March 18, 2017, 03:13 PM
Don't worry, it's all my fault  ;D
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: fugazi on March 18, 2017, 03:32 PM
You give up bmx for mtb and look what happens  ::)  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: pickle on March 18, 2017, 03:46 PM
I know!  :shocked:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: stevesredvxr on March 18, 2017, 04:30 PM
RAD is still the original and still the best.

I think most people are guilty of not visiting enough.
Facebook groups have their place but Ive come off most of the popular ones now (or been booted!!). The Raffles annoy the hell out of me.
I was sick of seeing them forever in my feed.
Obviously Im still very active with the Skyway Page.

Trouble is with me is that i do most browsing on my iphone and the text on here isnt that big and Im struggling to read it these days.  :coolsmiley:

Been on here over 7 years now I think and have met some great people through these pages.

So what if its not as busy nowadays.  ;)
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: In2bmx on March 18, 2017, 06:34 PM
People come and go . Some post and some don't .

Whoever is left here are the cream of the bmx crop  :4_17_5:  It might be a little quiet . But it will never Die .  :daumenhoch:


Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:
And that ripper has been damaged and powdered . And it's being raffled for £849 . That's criminal .  >:( :knuppel2:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Andyboy77 on March 18, 2017, 06:58 PM
People come and go . Some post and some don't .

Whoever is left here are the cream of the bmx crop  :4_17_5:  It might be a little quiet . But it will never Die .  :daumenhoch:


Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:
And that ripper has been damaged and powdered . And it's being raffled for £849 . That's criminal .  >:( :knuppel2:

I get the impression that I may have failed in trying to joke - regarding that raffle thing.  ::)
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: stuntmaster on March 18, 2017, 09:25 PM
I know!  :shocked:

put a pic of your knightgoose before you sell it to change the mood on this thread
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: rodriguez on March 18, 2017, 09:34 PM
Well Paul,

Since you're so sure that forums in general are doomed and Rad in particular is dying on its arse, it's probably a good thing that we have enough mods to cover FB as well, no?
I can't comment on the state of the group fb page any more, but as a final comment on this I'm just going to repeat what I said the first time around
Saying there are more mods than active users is a slight exaggeration
28 is a bigger number than 18 though

Not sure why you felt it necessary to post your PM but if you want me to comment on that I think it came across a bit condescending, so what if you've been logging on since the dawn of time? You've named a great bunch of lads who have given up their time (& in some cases money) to organise rides, do the admin for BOTM, bring Fiola to the UK, promote ramp nights that encourage older riders to have a go, build bikes for needy kids and clear up crap left behind by people leaving MK
Also a bit ironic talking about how long you've been a member when you were only recently on another thread arguing against the phrase 'time-served'....

I'm sure you'll come up with some sort of reply, feel free but I won't be responding again
Suggest instead you find something a bit more productive/positive to do

Thank you, I've had a very productive and positive day.

I posted it because you mentioned it and IMO inferred it also contained "harping on about the Halcyon days of rad" which it clearly didn't, have to say I was disappointed you did mention it I thought you had more integrity.

I've highlighted a few words you've obviously chosen ignore, put in there because it wasn't my intention to put myself in front of anyone as being "timeserved", my intention was to put a timescale on how long I've been around so there where other names I didn't mention because I haven't been around as long as them, I'd add I have no gripe against anyone I mentioned nor was mentioning them meant as a critiscism this was the issue in the other thread you mentioned.
I was pondering earlier but I'm fairly sure I've been a member of RAD longer than you, in2bmx, ed209, jaymz, the swan guy and benno not that this really means anything other than I've seen where radbmx was and I see where it is now, more importantly I know how it's came to be where it's at.

If members want to donate their time (and money) to good BMX causes, fair play, but that's their decision, having donated my time/parts/money money to an underprivileged kid IMO you do it because you want to not for recognition if it's for the latter then it's done for the wrong reason.

Please don't twist my words I never said the forum was doomed, I said it was on it's arse which IMO it is and questioned whether it could be resurrected, only time will tell what happens to RAD, I hope it survives and thrives in whatever form.

Have a nice weekend John  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: ED209 on March 18, 2017, 10:12 PM
I don't have anything new to say on this that I haven't already said ... so I'll say it again ... copy and past like  fistblump

"In 1990 BMX was dead ... yet here we all are.

Forums aren't in fashion... thats all it is.

Myspace used to be where it was at... FriendsReunited anyone? ... all fads ... all gone... replaced.

here's my big thought ( one a year ) Facebook is Scooters ... Forums are BMX

Facebook is all about the next next next ... newest thing .. the latest post. What happened last week is forgotten. There's no organization. No etiquette. No manners. Wanna find a pic you saw appear 2 or 3 weeks back on Facebook? it will take you a while and a load of scrolling. The format is just not conducive to building a valuable resource ... all its interested in is the now. Facebook is Scooters.

Forums are organised, based around being able to store and search for information... the community of a forum is based around regular postings and shared trust ... abuse this at your peril. You can go off and do Facebook but, like scooters, you will ultimately feel unfulfilled and will look for something with some substance ... like BMX ... or skating for that matter.

Maybe that's all bullshit but as long as there's a few people who log on and post it will never be dead... as long as there's that small community of people to chat with ( ride with ) then it will bobble along down the stream just fine... just like BMX.

There was something about BMX that we loved and stayed in us until we were ready to come back ... forums are the same."
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on March 18, 2017, 10:40 PM

"Incidentally I've noticed recently quite a few of the mods make more of a contribution on facebook than they do on the forum, ironic."

This statement is definitely true... whether it be posting their latest builds or selling stuff !!!
Shame really considering the forum needs people posting more regular. Which gives me the impression they're not arsed about the forum anymore and happy to just leave those of us that are  to it. ???

Being a regular facebook user I have to say that i agree with the comments above. This applies to some mods/admin, but also some long time non admin members too. Everyone has a choice where to buy or post wanted ads up, and that's their right, but it's a shame that  :radbmxsmilie:, the start/hub/home of it all doesn't get the same number of sale/wanted ads. Like my previous post, it's a sign of the times and sad to see, but just how things have changed over recent years. I'm a huge fan of the forum format, and  :radbmxsmilie: in particular. I'd like to think that it'll be around for years, and will do anything i can to keep it going for as long as i still have an interest in BMX. Keep it RAD  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Avro on March 18, 2017, 10:54 PM
I thought I could be a bit testy!

rodriguez: Time to stop and take a step back, breathe and put it all in perspective. It is only BMX bikes; things we rode when we were kids and thought we were kings of the world. Come back next week with positive vibes, you have replied to some of my threads with good insight. Keep posting and help others along.

Rad is a great site but I think Chez-6 has very valid points. Rad can appear a little purist at times; that can make it inaccessible (or seem such) to some. I felt the same as Chez-6 for a while but now I think bugger it and bugger them! My 'nil point' BOTM entry helped me in my beligerence! The 'it has to be og' stance has to soften. If you want it to stay then stop splitting up your bikes.

Please look at bikes as a totallity and the work put in, not only in the bike itself but also the bikes life on Rad. How many bikes appear out of no-where on Rad without any posts or input? Many. It only takes a few minutes to post a 'working on this' thread'; no need to blog it just say that this is where I am with the bike and trying to create this or that. There is too much of, in the middle of winter, poof a new Haro build in bright summer sun on a freshly mown lawn! I jest but you know what I mean, I hope.

The Moderation thing is fine and a red herring. Forum is quiet: post a bit more. Accessible in format no idea as I do not own a mobile phone (woot). Accessible in style and content : needs work but getting there (my Bobby Encinas tribute/abomination has received a lot of lovely comments!). Remember it's only kids' bikes: crucial.
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Gashead on March 19, 2017, 07:40 PM
I still love BMX, but also quilty of not posting or visiting as much as I should.

I will say though, that the Mods etc is not just for the forum, but for the huge support required for MK etc, without these people, Rad or MK would not happen.

Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: southern andy on March 19, 2017, 08:31 PM
Well, I've just logged on for the first time in over a month or two, considering I used to be on here daily, I'm seeing it very quiet. I'm pretty much not building now, although I have a half built MK16 buy on a bike stand in my kitchen.

See you in two months 👍
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: MartyC on March 20, 2017, 10:55 AM
Does anyone remember that line in Back to the Future II where Biff says "there's something very familiar about this"?
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: ED209 on March 20, 2017, 11:53 AM
...I also think people need to relax about builds being 100% OG as not all have funds that will allow this, and have to make do with re-pop parts, someone recently stated in another thread he felt  that only OG bikes should be in BOTHM and re-pop has not place there which made me feel that my bike would not be worthy of an entry which made me think well why bother  :'(

I went to an MK style gathering of a forum for HiFi fans at the weekend .. some of the kit was incredible but it remined me very much of RAD. No one wanted any of these guys to not build the best systems they could! excellence was prized & praised ... just as it is on RAD.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion about what they want RAD to be ... but please don't ask people who are comitted to achiving excellence to 'dumb down'.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be saying 'why bother building a bike if its not good enough to enter into BOTM' ... if thats your motivation behind a build then 'why bother' indeed ... you can just build stuff because you want to y'know ... you dont need 'votes' to make it worthwhile.

I found RAD nearly 10 years ago and it was the standard of the builds that really inspired me ... I must have built about 30 bikes over the years ... sold them and moved onwards and upwards ... but I've never built anything other than what I wanted to build. If it got some love, or mostly abuse  :teef: ( bants ) then all good ... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

If I ever got a wiff that this forum was prepared to compromise for the sake of 'bums on pews' then I'd be off  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: dead in here these days
Post by: Funkyworm on March 22, 2017, 10:12 PM
I Love Rad but Facebook has unfortunately become an uncontrollable beast that's become part of people's daily lives.

That instant hit of Dopamine  thats instantly served when someone hits (like) on one of your posts or images is becoming an addiction for many which is a shame..

I think as a medium it serves a purpose, Ive done a lot of research set up reference pages for Rebel  / Yes & Marlborough BMX & set up an owners group on there for Rickman BMX but if its hard keeping up with it all & if there was a section on Rad to be able to offload all of this knowledge research & of course the images I've collected along the way i'd gladly copy & paste the lot & park it all right here....

I think we all go through phases with BMX too, I've been back in to OS BMX since 2012 Built over 30 bikes & learned a hell of a lot along the way... But there's times i think i'd be happy to sell everything up & my reference point for my love for BMX has & always will be here.....

Things will pick up in the summer , it always does...

 Long Live Rad !  :daumenhoch: :Great_Britain:
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